Make Your Home Healthier with an Energy Audit
A home is the biggest investment that most people ever make, and if you want to get the most from your own home investment, it’s important to make sure it’s as healthy, comfortable, and energy efficient as possible. How does your home measure up?
With an energy audit, you can find out exactly how healthy your home is — and what you can do to make it healthier.
How Can an Energy Audit Make My Home Healthier?
Your home depends on a number of systems in order to stay healthy, comfortable, and efficient year-round — including its heating and cooling systems, ventilation, and insulation. Because these systems work together, a problem with one system affects the health of your entire home.
That’s where an energy audit comes in. An energy audit assesses how well these systems are running in your home and uncovers the root causes of any home health issues. It will also point you to exactly the right solutions for improving your home.
What Does an Energy Audit Entail?
During your home energy audit, an experienced home performance expert will perform a series of diagnostic tests. This includes:
Blower door testing to measure total air leakage
Thermal imaging to pinpoint air leaks and insulation gaps
Duct leakage testing to locate leaks in ductwork
Attic and crawlspace or basement evaluations to locate inefficiencies and test for radon
Customized report with recommended home upgrades
Often after we perform energy audits, we recommend upgrades like air sealing for air leaks, insulation for temperature inconsistencies, dehumidification for excess moisture, and duct sealing for greater HVAC efficiency.
After you complete the recommended home improvements, you’ll experience benefits like increased home efficiency, lower utility bills, better indoor air quality, and greater indoor comfort — all signs of a healthy home!
How Do I Start?
An energy audit with E3 INNOVATE is only a phone call or email away. Simply schedule an energy audit with our team, and we’ll use science-based testing to give you a firm understanding of your home’s inefficiencies.
We offer three convenient energy audit options to give you exactly the service you need. Our basic inspections include a walk through evaluation, thermal imaging, and radon testing to get a sense of needed top-level improvements. Our extensive diagnostic test includes everything from the basic inspection, plus duct leakage testing and blower door testing. Our comprehensive diagnostic test includes includes everything from the extensive diagnostic test, plus a detailed air quality evaluation.