What is your home’s HERS Score?
A Home Energy Rating System (HERS) score is an objective, measured representation of a home's energy efficiency. Much as miles-per-gallon fuel efficiency ratings for automobiles play an increasingly important role in car buyers' decisions, a HERS rating may soon play an equally important role in the home-buying process. A HERS rating is a requirement for many green and energy-efficient building standards across the country, including ENERGY STAR for Homes. A HERS Rating is also a requirement for an Energy Efficient Mortgage (EEM) and/or an Energy Improvement Mortgage (EIM). Furthermore, it can be a great way for builders and Realtors to set their homes apart in a crowded real estate market.
E3 INNOVATE is qualified to administer HERS ratings, and is also happy to serve as a consultant to architects and builders during the design/build process to maximize HERS potential.
Interested in learning more? Contact us today.
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We spend an immense amount of time (almost 90%) in our built environment, whether that be our homes, workplaces or schools.