Remove moisture from your indoor air.
High humidity in your home can cause a lot more problems than just poor air quality, discomfort, and high utility bills. Excess moisture in the air can make your home feel sticky and hot, even when you adjust your thermostat to what should be a comfortable temperature. That added strain on your HVAC unit drives electric bills through the roof. The real problems don’t end there, though.
Humidity levels consistently over 60% may lead to a high risk of mold growth, buckling of hardwood floors, and the rotting and decaying building materials when moisture problems go unaddressed.
Low humidity levels can cause problems too. Humidity consistently below 30% may lead to excessive drying of building materials like hardwood floors and crown molding, itchy dry skin, asthma, nose bleeds, static electricity, and discomfort.
A more comfortable and healthy home.
In Nashville, Tennessee, relative humidity is high, averaging around 70% for much of the year. As you might imagine, homes without some form of humidity control often experience unhealthy conditions, with black mold, roaches, and other problems causing severe health concerns.
E3 takes an integrated whole-home approach to moisture management:
• Step 1: Ensure the house is properly air sealed, with a crawlspace encapsulation, air sealing, and adequate insulation.
• Step 2: Evaluate the existing heating and cooling systems to ensure proper sizing and a tightly sealed duct system.
• Step 3: Evaluate the existing ventilation system, which typically includes bathroom and kitchen exhaust, to ensure proper air-flow rates and ducting.
• Step 4: Consider the use of a whole-house dehumidifier to further reduce humidity and improve indoor air quality.
The benefits of this whole-home approach to moisture management are that you achieve improved comfort while also preventing any future repairs and the headaches that come along with them.
E3 INNOVATE will evaluate your whole home and recommend appropriate strategies to help you improve moisture control and comfort all year long. We start with a whole-home assessment! To learn more, visit our Healthy Home Assessment page.
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We spend an immense amount of time (almost 90%) in our built environment, whether that be our homes, workplaces or schools.