Benefits of E3 INNOVATE’s comprehensive home performance consulting.
E3 INNOVATE provides more than the standard quick-fix solutions to home performance issues. Built on the pillars of Energy, Efficiency, and Environment, and a strong commitment to crafting high performing spaces, E3 INNOVATE works to utilize the best tools and materials on the market to create energy efficient, healthy, and comfortable homes and buildings. We believe that quality home performance is about more than just spraying some insulation in the attic or installing energy efficient appliances. These measures are certainly important, but E3 INNOVATE takes it a step further, using dynamic energy modeling software and thermal imaging to strategize the most applicable and cost-effective approach to home performance, tailor-made for each residence.
Home performance is about energy efficiency, functional design, indoor air quality, and overall comfort of the living space. E3 INNOVATE addresses these areas with our wide range of services after examining the structure and meeting to discuss options with the property owner—our air seal, duct seal, and spray foam insulation create a tight building envelope, cutting energy use for heating and cooling and saving money on energy bills; our crawlspace sealing and radon mitigation services keep moisture and harmful pollutants from entering the home and degrading air quality, creating a safer and more comfortable living environment; our ventilation and dehumidification systems ensure the home has a constant supply of fresh air.
As experts in building science, E3 strives to make the most out of every project, no matter how big or small. We are mission driven and ready to work for you."
Common Issues We Solve
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We spend an immense amount of time (almost 90%) in our built environment, whether that be our homes, workplaces or schools.